
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It'll all work out

Okay, I'm over it now. I have a new found appreciation and respect for Christine that I did not have before today. I mean, I appreciate and respect her but now it is at a totally different level than before I went to sit in on the classes today (actually stayed for two classes because I just couldn't believe that the first class was for real). All I can do is pray that we can continue training with Christine. Harley has really learned so much in just 6 weeks time with Christine guiding us. I know what it's like to have older dogs who aren't trained so I'm not judging the owners but I do judge the trainer for not doing a very good job. She sat in a chair the whole time and just told people what to do. She never showed them anything herself. She just talked at everyone. For at least half the class the dogs were just sitting learning how to be patient. Not that being patient is a bad thing but come on there's got to be more to keep the dogs entertained and focused than just walking and sitting. They say they only use positive reinforcement there but I saw a lot negative stuff being done. I don't know much about training (obviously) but I can tell when training isn't positive and today it wasn't. I really didn't know how to tell the lady that I was basically appalled by their training methods so I just left it as "I'll give you a call". Actually I'll probably send her an email to let her know that I'm not interested. I won't just leave them hanging. Now I'm really looking forward to all the hard work we will be doing in class tomorrow. Christine is gone the next week so I'm not sure when we'll get back to training. Hopefully it will be the following week.

Harley is thrilled that I'm home since I've been gone so much today. And I have to say that I am thrilled to be home with him. I really appreciate him after seeing older puppies who are out of control. I know what it's like and I don't want to live through it again. It really makes me realize that I need to be very committed to Harley's training. I want him to be well behaved but that's not going to happen on it's own. It will take an investment on my part for it to happen.

So I'm psyched for class tomorrow but I'm also sad not knowing what will happen after this weekend. I'm sure it will all work out.

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