
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The first month with Harley

I've been using Harley's kibble instead of treats today to do training. He seems to be fine with that. I want to save treats for when we go to class or for new behaviors we're working on at home. We've practiced at least 3 times today. We tried going for a walk but he was uncooperative today. He wasn't just pulling on the leash but he was trying to run and play. That made walking very difficult so we cut our walk short. I don't like doing that but I don't want Harley to think that a walk means he can misbehave. He's on the kitchen floor right now sleeping. He was outside for a while because the dogs behind us were out. He loves to see them. He goes right up to the fence and he and Freckles stare at each other and go nose to nose. Zeus was too busy playing to care too much about Harley. Zeus has a squeaky ball that he chases. I wonder if Harley would retrieve a squeaky ball. I think we need to work on retrieve more because he's not doing it as much as when we first got him.

He's doing well with sit, down and paw. I'm working with him on leave it. I haven't bought a mat for him yet to do mat work so I need to get that done. I know it's ridiculous but I feel like I'm not giving him enough training or time. I'm with him all day but I want to make sure it's productive time, not meaning always training, but socializing with him too. I keep telling myself that he's only 13 1/2 weeks old and that he'll be able to do more as we go along. I'm doing my best to be patient and allow him to mature on his time table, not mine.

I need to make an appointment for Harley for the 18th to get his second set of shots and a canine influenza booster. I'm anxious to see how much he weighs. He's gotten so big. Won't be long before I'm making an appointment for him to get neutered. I'll get his microchip implanted then too since he'll already be under anesthesia. I'm NOT getting his dew claws removed. That wouldn't be fair to him. If it was done when he was little that would be different but he's too old now to do that. Huxley and Blitz had their dews and they were fine.

It looks like it's going to rain. I'm glad that Harley has already been out and done his business. If he needs to go out, I'll let him out and watch him from the house. I'm glad that he's not afraid of thunderstorms.

So we've had the little bugger for a month now. I think it's gone rather well and a whole lot better than I could have imagined. It's a lot of work but I don't feel overwhelmed all the time like I did with the GSP's. There are moments that he is relentless but it's only moments. It's not like he's a terror all day long. He's a typical puppy and I enjoy having him in my life.

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