
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

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Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bison bones are here

It's been a quiet morning. We took our walk to the mailbox earlier today. Harley got rambunctious on the way back as usual but we were able to finish our walk. I've been on the laptop and he's been sleeping most of the morning. We did play and do some training. I'm teaching him a couple of new behaviors - high five, crawl and speak. He's got high five down. He's doing crawl a little bit. He doesn't get speak yet. I'll have to see if there's a video out there on how to teach him to do that (there's a video for everything isn't there?).

His bison bones just arrived. They're not like the Buff Bites, they are raw bones. There are a couple of small ones and then 3 huge ones. It'll be interesting to see how he handles them. They should last a while though. I found a place online that sells the Buff Bites for $6.99 but I don't know what their shipping costs are. I'll keeping looking around for them though but in the mean time he seems to like these bison bones just fine. Still waiting on the pheasant and the replacement tray.

It's another overcast day today and it just started raining. I'm not enjoying this fall weather very much. It's already Wednesday. Where are the days going? Now that I have Harley every day seems to fly by. I have to spend so much time focused on him each day that before I know it bedtime arrives. Speaking of which, he slept in the kennel out in the dining room again last night. He slept through and woke me up with a single bark. He's been out of his kennel every since then. I want to get some kind of container for his toys but I'm not sure what I should get. They are ALL OVER the place right now. I want him to have access to them but I don't want them strewn about like they are. I was thinking of using the laundry basket and getting a bigger laundry basket for doing laundry. I could check out Goodwill or the Salvation Army and see if I can get one over there. Or maybe they'll have some other kind of container that I could use.

I'm having trouble keeping up with the house, laundry and dishes. I have to keep everything up off the floor so Harley can't chew on it so there's lots of stuff on the counters. I'll have to pick up the house later so I won't feel so overwhelmed by it. But I definitely would rather that the house be a mess than to miss out on time with Harley. He's only going to be a puppy once and it won't last near as long as I think it will. He's getting so much bigger every day. He needs another collar adjustment. I'll ask David to take care of that this afternoon.

He sure is going to town ont the new bison bone. I'm glad that he likes it.

I'm not trying to encourage him to get or stay on the couch so this picture isn't very good but I wanted to show you what he's doing:

You can barely make him out on there. Thankfully his eyes are glowing. lol

I've really got to get going on the house. It's so much fun watching him though. Plus I need to keep an eye on him to make sure that he's safe. The good thing about these new bison bones is that he can get to the marrow. I thinking he's really liking that. Okay, I need to get up and start doing something. Or take a nap. LOL

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