
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
Want your dog to be a part of the Dog Blog? Email your picture(s) and the dog's story to

A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dogs in the rocks

Sunday walk

What a beautiful day today. The temps were in the mid-60's, the sun was shining and there was tons of blue sky. It was a great day to take the dogs for a drive over to Garden of the Gods. We went up to the high parking lot and took them out for a walk on one of the trails. We let them climb on some of the rocks too. Huxley slipped a bit once but she was fine. They are tired out tonight. It was a great adventure for them.

I'll have to add pictures later. Can't seem to upload them on Blogger right now.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


David and I were sitting in the living room when we heard a strange banging noise At first I thought it was the dryer. Then I realized it was coming from the master bedroom. When I went in there I could hear a cat meowing and the dogs were by the bathroom door. Poor little Minnie had accidentally been locked in the bathroom while we went to the store to get Benadryl for the girls. I closed Huxley and Blitz out of the bedroom and let Minnie out of the bathroom. She was happy to get out of there. I checked the tub and was happy to find that Minnie did not go to the bathroom in the tub.


It was a cool, autumn morning so I thought I would take advantage of the weather and get out in the back yard early to clean up after the dogs. Even though it was sunny and cool, I was glad to get that finished. The girls were out in the yard with me. For a few seconds, they were both resting in the grass. I wish the camera had been out there, but it was in the house. I would not have had enough time to get it before they got up. As soon as they would have seen me going for the door, they would have jumped up and followed me. They looked gorgeous sitting in the green grass.Huxley and Blitz did follow me into the house once I was done in the back yard. They headed for the bedroom not too long after coming in the house. I followed them this time. I opened the window on my side of the bed and the fall breeze came rushing in. It was a perfect time for a nap. I didn't think that I would fall asleep but I drifted off quickly. The wind, beating the flag on the pole, woke me occaissionally. In seconds, I was able to sink back into my nap. The dogs slept with us and were kind enough to leave me enough room on the bed and adequate covers to buffet the cool breeze.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A thank you

I received a nice Thank You note from Kris today for the monthly donation I send to the Rescue. I'm glad that I am able to help the Rescue out.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I love my dogs

I met with another Flybaby yesterday for lunch and it turns out that she has a GSP and a Dalmation. The GSP is just a pup. (Good luck with that! lol). I told her our story about Skooter and Moped. And then how we aquired Huxley and Blitz. I emailed her and asked her to send me some pictures of her dogs if she's able to. I'd love to add them to the Dog Blog.

It's a bit after 2am and I'm up but the dogs are in bed sound asleep (sound familiar). They didn't get me up so I'm not mad at them or anything. Just feeling somewhat envious that they sleep as much as they do. But I'm not going to complain about dogs that sleep through the night (or at least not that much anyway).

The cats have been spending most of their time in the office or in the hallway. Paulie is the only one who doesn't come out into the hallway and just lay in front of the dogs. But he's a 'guy' so I'm sure that makes sense somehow. lol I'm glad to see them out more though and not sleeping under my bed. At least I feel like they have a life now. And thankfully the litter box hasn't been an issue at all lately. I am so happy about that. Huxley still peeks her nose in the kitty door but someone usually gives her what for and she retreats. Paulie whacked out Blitz the other day and made her jump back. It was kind of funny.

I'm still trying to figure out a regular schedule for the dog and cat food. Mostly I just order it when I need it. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to how often I have to order.

It's 2:15am so I better go join my dogs (and my hubby) in bed. Hopefully they all haven't conspired to take all of my covers. :-)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A man and his dogs

Blitzie likes making herself comfortable on the couch. She loves to cuddle in the fleece blankets. She's such a spoiled dog.

These girls sure do love their Daddy. Huxley has herself between his legs. She's staring at one of the cats.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cheese equals benadryl

A funny thing happened earlier. I was shaking the bottle of parmesan/asiago cheese for pasta and the dogs thought it was their benadryl bottle that I was shaking. They got all happy. I had to break their little hearts since it wasn't benadryl time.

Catching Rays

The girls enjoyed the sun on the deck this afternoon.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Whiney butt

Blitz has been whiney today. She's asked to go out at least a dozen times and then comes back in after a few minutes. Maybe it's the change in the weather that's got her wanting to go out more. It's not so hot out. She might be enjoying spending her time on the deck in the sun. Huxley is rolling around on the floor and shaking the bugs out. lol They are ready for bed. We finally had to put the comforter back on the bed. I think the dogs will like sleeping on that. The sheet alone tends to be cool and they want warmth. They are figuring out that I'm going out every morning for a walk. I want to start taking them with me, but I don't look forward to my arm being pulled out of the socket. I guess I could look into getting them harnesses. That might help them not to pull as much. I know they would enjoy going for a walk every day. I need to just start taking them with me. They aren't getting out at all lately: no doggie day care, no rides in the car. All they do is go out in the back yard. I need to change that. They are going to be seriously bored soon. I don't know how things will go in the winter time. There are lots of days that are nice here in the winter time, so I could get them out walking enough. Okay so off to bed we go.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I miss my boys

I sent an email to Kris asking about Skooter and Moped. I asked if she has heard anything recently about them. Also wanted to know if she's received any pictures. I'd sure like to know what Moped is looking like these days. I still miss them terribly. Some days I think I did the wrong thing, giving them up. I think it will haunt me forever.

Just thought you should know...

My dogs are lazy!

Really lazy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On Daddy's lap

David got Huxley up in his lap. She was a bit nervous but stayed up there for a few minutes.

Isn't she cute? Adorable, really. :-)


Huxley is doing better today. She has hardly been limping at all. I let them out earlier because they were whining and they took off out into the yard after something. Huxley and Blitz tried to get under the fence again. I had to stay out there with them to keep them in the yard. They were whining really loud too. I'm not sure what they saw but they seemed pretty interested in it. Blitz has been whiney all day today. She's getting to the point where it's annoying me. Hopefully she'll settle down and stop whining for a while.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hoppin' Huxley

Last night Huxley hurt her left, front leg. I think she did it by jumping off the bed. She was hopping around for about 24 hours. She's doing better now, but still favoring that leg. I'm going to keep an eye on her and if it gets worse I'll call Dr. G. I knew it was really bothering her today because Blitz wanted to play with her and she didn't want to play. She always plays when Blitz wants to play. I'm glad she's getting better quickly though. I have been really worried about her since she started limping.

It was rainy out today so the girls didn't spend much time outdoors. I wonder how they are going to react to winter time and the snow?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Getting out of the yard

Well, the dogs finally got out of the yard. They went under the fence chasing after something. They ran around the neighborhood for a couple minutes. I drove around looking for them but didn't see them until I was pulling into the driveway. I yelled to Blitz and she and Huxley followed me into the garage. They were happy, happy, happy after getting to run around. I wish I could let them out on a regular basis to run around. They are still doing well with the benadryl. Huxley hardly ever licks her paw anymore. We took a nap with them today. They love that. They are ready for bed now. What's new?!

By the way, David fixed the fence that day so they haven't been out of the yard since. I do worry about them getting out, but if they do I know they will come home.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Beastie boy

Lisa and I talked today about Skooter and Moped. I told her that I still miss them and sometimes wish I could get another puppy that has their colors (bright white and liver). Huxley and Blitz are great, but I miss the looks of Skooter and Moped. But I wouldn't want to have dogs again that have to be in their kennel all the time or be tied up. I don't know that I could get another GSP puppy and expect anything but a high energy beastie boy.

Doin' fine

David's been home on vacation this week so I haven't been blogging as much. I've also had other things to attend to that have taken up laptop time. Anyway, the girls are doing fine. I'm still giving them two benadryl two times a day. Huxley is licking her right paw less and less. Blitz has been a bit whiney this week but I think it's because she's getting so much attention from both of us. She's getting spoiled (or should I say 'more spoiled' lol). She's on the couch right now. Huxley went to bed. I was over at Woody's house today. He heard a siren and started howling. It was soooooo cute. I wish that I would have had my camera so I could have made a video of it. Hopefully I'll have another chance to get him on video. He spent a lot of time looking cute, laying on his back with legs up in the air. He's a great dog.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Now Tabby is getting to be brave with the dogs. She's coming out into the living room more and also spends time up in the window in the bedroom. The dogs go right up to her. She gets a bit uncomfortable when Blitz sticks her nose in Tabby's face, but she hasn't been backing down.

The girls are doing much better now that they have been on the Benadryl for a few days. Huxley isn't licking her paw near as much as she was. I'm glad to see that they are responding so well.

The other night we had the master bedroom torn apart (David is painting) and so I had to sleep in the guest room with Huxley and Blitz. David slept on the floor in the master bedroom. There was just enough room on the guest bed for me and Huxley and Blitz. Spoiled rotten dogs.! LOL We were all happy to sleep in our bed last night - together! The girls really seemed to miss sleeping on the bed. It's so comfy and I think they know that.

Anyway, David is on vacation all week and the dogs are enjoying having him home. I might put them in doggie day care on Friday to give us a day to go out and do whatever we want to do. They would enjoy that.

I got to visit with Woody last night. We were over at Lisa's for a Labor Day BBQ. I'm hoping to get Woody over for another play date sometime soon. While we were at Lisa's we tried out their Wii entertainment system (pool and tennis). Wow! Was it fun. I would love to be able to get one for our house. I'll have to start saving up for one. The dogs will probably get a hoot out of seeing me play in the living room. They'll wonder what the heck is up. LOL

The goobers are laying on the floor right now, side by side. It must be afternoon nap time. Think I will join them.

Samantha"s Prince of the Prairie

Samantha"s Prince of the Prairie

Samantha's Prince of the Pines

Samantha's Prince of the Pines
Moped the Magnificent


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