
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
Want your dog to be a part of the Dog Blog? Email your picture(s) and the dog's story to

A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Lazy girls

I was working in the master bedroom suite (cleaning out cabinets, etc.) so David decided to take a nap in the guest room. Well, lo and behold, Huxley and Blitz joined him. It's a futon bed, which is much smaller than our bed, but they all squished onto it. Lazy girls.

After their nap they went out onto the deck to catch some rays. Don't they look relaxed? Again I say, lazy girls.

Friday, June 29, 2007


The girls are both favoring their right, front paw. I checked the pad and there doesn't seem to be anything stuck in the foot. I'm not sure why they are favoring them like they are. I worry that it's aging and they are started to get stiff. I'll have to call the vet and ask him what he thinks I should do. He may need to come and look at them. I hope they are okay. I worry about them.

It was hot again today and so the dogs stayed in most of the day. I have the air conditioner running to cool everyone down. They seem to be ready for bed. I really feel they've been more active lately. They're not sleeping near as much as the did at first. I wonder why that is.

Earlier they cornered Minnie in the bathroom. She was traumatized, poor kitty. I had to go in and literally drag them out so Minnie could get to the bedroom. They don't respect the gate anymore. They just jump right over it to get to the bedroom. Blitz is funny though. She'll jump over the gate going toward the bedroom, but can't seem to jump back over it coming into the living room. They could easily go over the fence in the back yard. I hope they don't start doing that. The neighbors wouldn't be too happy with two, big dogs running loose.

We're back to Stage 2 watering so the sprinklers will run in the morning. I'll have to put off cleaning the yard until afternoon time. The girls don't like the sprinklers very much. I don't blame them.

I drove by Preppy Pet today. I sure wish I could bring them in for Doggy Day Care once a week or every other week. But the budget just doesn't allow for things that aren't necessary right now. I do have a coupon to get one of them in for free, so it would only be $15 for both of them to go for one day. Maybe I'll take them one day next week.

Now they are both back in the living room - Huxley on the floor and Blitz on the couch. Things are as they should be.

Peanut butter and fig newtons

I left the girls home (in the laundry room) while I went and ran some errands. They were so excited when I got home. I had to let them out right away, but they wanted in as soon as they were done doing their business. For a treat today I gave them half a peanut butter sandwich. Huxley loved it. Blitz seemed confused. She doesn't like new foods very much. They do however love fig newtons. I gave them just a little piece. Now whenever I have fig newtons out they surround me. They've been napping most of the day. They were so tired that they didn't even get up when David came home today. Blitz just went in the bedroom to join David for a nap. Huxley is on her bed (well, two thirds of her anyway) and oblivious to the world. Think I'll go join them for a nap.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Like oil and water...

Blitz woke me up. She was hacking. I'm not sure why she was doing that. I got up and brought her out to the kitchen to get some water. By the time we got there she was through hacking. So, I let them both out for a potty break. When they came back in they went right to bed. I decided to tidy up the few things in the kitchen that I did not do before I went to bed. A few minutes into that and Paulie came out to the kitchen. It wasn't long after that Huxley came out to the dining room. Paulie hid behind the counter. I tried to distract Huxley but it didn't work. She caught a glimpse of Paulie and started whining. That brought Blitz out to the dining room. I was already headed down the hallway and was backtracking as quick as I could (it was 12:30 A.M. for gosh sake). But it was too late. Blitz got a look at Paulie and started to chase him. Blitz and Huxley get so excited when one of the cats runs. Well, it wasn't very long and Blitz was whining and barking excitedly. Paulie first ran behind the couch, then headed the down the hallway with Huxley and Blitz in pursuit. Thankfully Paulie got to the bedroom sooner than Huxley and Blitz, but only by seconds. Now I had to turn around and head back to the bedroom so I could get them to stop whining and to get Blitz to stop barking. I knew they would wake David up and they did. Now they are all settled back into bed. There is peace again in my house. But now I'm more awake than I'd like to be at 1:00 a.m. There's not a whole lot to be done around the house, at least not anything quiet. That means that I have plenty of time to recount the last half hour's events. :-) Pretty darn exciting, eh?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

New beds are toast

Well, the girls chewed on the new beds and pulled the stuffing out. I'm going to have to trash them now. I'm glad I only paid $10 a piece for them. I'll take the eggcrate out and put it back in the old bed. I think Blitz is more apt not to bark or whine if Huxley is on the old bed. Having too many beds just stirs stuff up.

Blitz is at the bathroom door watching whichever cat is in the bathroom right now. She'll stand or sit there for hours just watching the shower curtain (a lot of times the cats are in the tub behind the shower curtain). She can't wait to get a glimpse of the cat. Huxley is laying on the floor napping of all things. Sheesh, they really need to settle down. :-)

Lucky and Benson (from Australia)

G'day Mate! Here are four pictures of Lisa's parent's dog Lucky (blue collar) and her brother Michael's dog Benson.

Boy, are they happy dogs. And beautiful too. Woohoo! The Dog Blog has gone international!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Going Global

Soon the Dog Blog will be international. Lisa (Woody's mom) is going to send me pictures of her parent's dog, Lucky and her brother's dog Benson. They live in Australia. Dog's from around the world. How cool! As soon as Lisa sends me the pictures I'll post them on the Dog Blog.

The girls are already in bed. They've been more active the last couple of days. But they are still the laziest dogs on the planet.

Where's Waldo?

I woke up around 1:30am and immediately realized that Huxley wasn't in bed with us. I got up and looked all over the house for her. I couldn't find her. I started to get nervous. Maybe I had let her out and forgot to let her back in. So I checked the back yard and the deck. No Huxley. I went back into the house and checked every room again, from the dining room to our bathroom. And still, no Huxley. Now I was concered. She couldn't have gone out on her own. That didn't make any sense. But where was she? A had walked by a pile of laundry that I had sorted and that I had left on the floor. I'd walked by it four times when all of a sudden the laundry moved. Okay, it was Huxley not the laundry, but remember, it was 1:30 in the morning. Huxley had bedded down on an old quilt that I had sorted out for laundry. I was so happy to find her. I patted her tummy and gave her some 'tentions. She enjoyed that. Then Huxley and Blitz got up and ran to the back door to be let out. I made sure that I had let her in before I turned the deck light off. :-) So now she is safely in bed hogging up myside and that's just the way I want it. :-)

I entered Blitz, Skooter, Minnie and Paulie in a photo contest that PetsMart is holding. I don't hold out any hope of winning, but I thought I would enter them nonetheless. The theme is pet-parazzi, star animals. I don't dress mine up so I don't forsee a nod coming my way. I did send the advertisment to Lisa and Kitty. Kitty has some great pictures of Sammie all dressed up by the girls. And Nick has taken some awesome pictures of Woody. It's all in fun.

Someone was just yelping in their sleep (just a tiny yelp). It probably was Blitz. She does that a lot when she sleeps. You can certainly tell when they are dreaming. And that's where I'm off to, dream land. But before I leave, here are the photos I entered in the contest.

I guess these pcitures would qualify them as pampered pets. Time for me to go relax like they do.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Siamese Twinkies

I thought they were attached at the hip, looks like I was wrong. :-)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lazy weekend

Well, it's been a quiet weekend. It was really hot so the dogs have been pretty layed back. Blitz is still barking at Huxley to get off the bed even though I've put the old bed on the two new beds. And she's still barking at the cats. They seem to be chasing them more now than they were before. They're in bed already with David. I'm headed there myself. Oh yeah, some kids in the neighborhood stopped by to look at the dogs. One of them knew they were GSP's. They were real nice kids and they seemed to enjoy the dogs. We were all lazy this weekend and didn't do a whole lot.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Play time

The girls are napping right now but earlier they were playing. They enjoy playing together.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lap dog

Blitz decided to get up into David's lap today. She's never done that before. She'll usually put her front paws up on him, but not her whole bony body. She's just laying there now taking a nap.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What am I like?

I completely forgot to add Dyrk's dogs, Olie and Genesis, to the Dog Blog. I will rectify that oversight now. Olie is a beagle and he loves chasing tennis balls. Genesis is a Leonburger, a giant breed dog (as you'll see in the picture!). They are both great dogs. Genesis is very gentle. They both are great with the grandkids. Here are a couple of pictures of them.

This is Aspen with Olie and Skooter.

This is a picture of Genesis and Dyrk. Isn't she huge and beautiful.

Here's a picture of her when she was a puppy. She was massive even then.

They both got along really well with Skooter. They all played together up at the house in Woodland Park. I emailed Dyrk and asked him to send me some updated pictures of the dogs so I can add them to the Dog Blog. I look forward to seeing their pictures.

Bark collar

David installed the dog leads he made for the Jeep and we took the girls for a ride. Unfortunately they got caught up in the leads. They don't get caught up in the ones I bought from Champion. So, I think I'll need to purchase another set for David's Jeep. I'm also going to have to buy a bark collar for Blitz. She's barking too much now. She goes nuts when she sees a rabbit and when she gets close to Tabby she barks wildly. I don't want to worry about shocking her so a bark collar is a good alternative. They have them at Wal-Mart and PetsMart. I'll probably look at them tomorrow. Anyway, we stopped at McDonalds and got something for dinner and we got the girls hamburgers (they didn't make them plain as we requested though). They had to wait until we got home to eat them. And they devoured them, pickles, onions and all. I had them outside with me while I was on the swing. That's when Blitz started barking at a rabbit and I had to let her inside. I don't want the neighbors getting ticked off at her incessant barking.

I'm missing Skooter a lot these days. I keep wondering if I did the right thing by adopting him out. I know that he's really happy where he is, but I miss him all the same. If we could have kept just Skooter, I think it would have worked out okay. It would have taken some time, but it would have worked out. Not that I don't love my girls, I do, but Skooter will always be my boy.

I should be getting a gift card in the mail for Moped from PetsMart. I'll forward that on to his people once I get it. I sure wish we'd get some new pictures of him.

Speaking of pictures, I realized today the Ela never sent me the photos and video that she took of Huxley and Blitz when they were boarded there. I'm going to send her an email and ask her if she can get them to me sometime soon. I'd like to see them. And I'd really like to get the girls over there for doggy day care. Unfortunately money is an issue and I can't rationalize spending the money on doggy day care right now. I do have a coupon for one of them getting a day free, so it would only cost $15 for both of them for one day of doggy day care. I'll have to see if I can get them over there this week.

They are both laying down AGAIN, STILL. They slept even more today than they usually do. I think it was because it was so hot out today. I'm glad they are comfortable here. We took a nap this afternoon and they napped with us. They love taking naps. And they are always ready to go to bed at night. They were so layed back today that when David got home they didn't even run to the door. Lazy girls.

The laziest dogs on the planet!

I know I have the laziest dogs on the planet, probably in the universe. They are both laying on a new bed, sound asleep. Totally different than Skooter and Moped.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Watch all my dog videos on youtube!

I created a page on youtube of my videos. There are, of course, videos of the dogs. You can link to my video page here

I sat out on the swing tonight talking to Deborah, watching the sun set and the dogs play. They've been going under the deck through a small hole in the lattice surrounding the bottom of the deck. There's only one way in and one way out and I don't know what they do while they are under there.

The girls are getting worse with the barking, whining and chasing the cats. It's not bad, but I definitely need to keep an eye on their behavior. I'm not sure what I can do to get them to back off but I'll have to try something.

We went to Collin's baseball game tonight and had a picnic. There was a family right next to us who had brought their two dogs. They dogs were so well behaved. They just layed there or walked with their kids. My dogs would have been so rowdy. They wouldn't have just layed there. They would have been trying to run wild. I'm not sure if, at the age they are at, that I can get them to settle down and stay with us. Even when I let them out of the house out front, they run all around the cul-de-sac. At the park they would have taken off and I don't know that they would have come back. I don't think they did a whole lot outside of their yard growing up. They don't seem to know how to behave off leash or on leash (they pull). It would take quite a bit of work to get them to be better on and off leash. The sooner I start training them, the sooner they'll be trained.

They are in bed already with David. Paulie is out here with me. He's getting braver about coming out here when the dogs are in the bedroom. Unfortunately Minnie and Tabby are less comfortable and sometimes they go to the bathroom in the tub instead of making their way down the hall to the kitty litte box. I'm cleaning the tub a couple of times per day because of this problem. I'm going to have to move their litter box closer to them so that they can get to it without the dogs bothering them so much.

I'd like to take them up to the Rampart dog park tomorrow, but it's going to be really hot and I'd have to go very early so they wouldn't get worn out by the heat. It sounds like a nice dog park, with benches, trees and water. I wouldn't have to lug a bunch of water with me if they have it available there. I'll have to see what time I get up and if it's early enough maybe I'll take them up there. I wasn't very impressed with the Palmer Park dog park. It's okay, but I think Rampart will be nicer.

Blitz is still giving Huxley a hard time no matter which new bed she's on. She whines and barks at her until she gets off the bed. It's too funny. It's like she doesn't recognize that there are two beds or maybe she does and she just wants to be the one who gets first dibs.

Well, it's time for bed and I'll need to move them over some to get into my side of the bed. They are pretty good about leaving me enough room to sleep comfortably.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Moped!

I sat out on my swing this morning and let the dogs run around the yard. It was already hot out early and some of the time they were under my swing, sitting in the shade. Huxley found one of her bones underneath the deck. She was pretty excited about that. When I let them in, she brought her bone in with her. I need to get to Safeway and get some more bones. I'm all out right now. David went in to take a nap and the girls went in and joined him. They are napping in bed. They sure do live the good life. Paulie is out in the dining room sitting in the sun because the girls are in the bedroom. Very brave of Paulie. I wish they would all just co-exist but Blitz gets too excited when she gets near the cats and whines and barks and that scares the cats. Huxley will go nose to nose with Minnie and not whine or bark. I guess it will just take some time for them to get used to each other.

Today is Moped's 1st birthday. He's one year old today. I got an email from Dogster wishing him a happy day. I forwarded it on to Kris so she can forward it to Moped's people. I sure wish they would send Kris some updated photos. I'd love to see how big he is now. I sure do miss Moped and Skooter. Sometimes I think I didn't give it enough of a chance, but I know that they would be too much for me. They are such handsome boys and I really do miss them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bought a second bed

We spent the day cleaning out the garage and taking care of the back yard. The girls were out in the garage with us. They just ran around. We had the door closed almost all the way and Blitz still tried to sneak under it. So there's lots more room in the garage although it's still a work in progress. One thing we worked on today was building my new swing. We put it out on the back deck so I can sit out with the girls and relax. I have a beautiful view of the mountains from my swing. And the girls really enjoyed being out for so long. They tired themselves out and they are laying on the two new beds. Yep, I got another bed so they could both have a bed. They are sharing both of them right now. I'm going to put their old bed in my jeep for when we take them for a ride. Here is a picture I took of them earlier. They were actually each on their own bed.

And here's a picture of the new swing. It's really relaxing to sit out there and swing.

Proving my point

hHere's Huxley on the new (much smaller) bed.

And here's the two of them on the new (much smaller) bed.

And here is the no longer used (but much bigger) bed. Notice the lack of dogs on this bed.

I rest my case!

Upside down doggie

Last night when we went to bed, David had to roll Huxley over to make some room for himself. When he flipped her over she ended up on her back, legs up in the air. She looked so cute. She stayed like that for quite a while. If I could have gotten up without her moving, I would have taken a picture. But as soon as I'd get up, she would move. I find it amazing that we all fit in the bed and that we're able to sleep okay even though the dogs are taking up a third of the bed and Blitz snores. Right now they are play fighting. I love watching them play. So much better than watching them sleep. ;-)

Saturday, June 16, 2007


I was inspired by Nick D and so I put some of my favorite photographs on Flickr. I have about 95 of them on their right now. There are quite a few of Skooter, Moped, Huxley, Blitz, Tabby, Minnie and Paulie (amongst other more artsy ones). You can view my photos here

I hope you will take time to look at them and I hope you enjoy them.

Some of Nick D's photographs

I found a link to Nick D's photos on Flickr. There are quite a few of Woody. You've got to check them out! Here's the link: Nick D's photos on Flickr

Here's just one that Nick took of Woody and Lisa. Isn't it awesome? Enjoy.

The bed

Guess who's on the new bed? Yep, both of them. It really is 2/3's the size of the original bed, but they choose to share the new, fleece topped smaller bed. It must be really soft to them and that's why they like it so much. I still need to get the eggcrate matress to fluff it up some. Blitz is always pawing at it to get it just right and it sometimes balls up the inside stuff. If I put the eggcrate in it, it won't move around as much as it does now. And I think Blitz wouldn't paw at it as much if it didn't move so easily.

We had to put up some yellow jacket traps because Blitz has been going after them. I sure don't want her to get stung by one. Hopefully they will work.

Nick D's blog and photography

Soon I'll be getting some new pictures of Woody that Nick D has taken. He's in his mid-teens and he's an excellent photographer. He has quite the natural talent for photography. You should take a look at his blog and check out his photography. I'll certainly showcase his photography here with his pictures of Woody. Here's a link to his blog: . It really is a blog worth checking out. Tell him the Dog Blog sent you there. And let him know what you think of his photography.

Mish mash

I woke up around 4am and of course the dogs got up with me. I let them out into the back yard. They didn't stay out for too long. Blitz is laying on the new bed in the living room. Huxley has gone back to bed. I don't know why I'm up so early, but since I am, I'm doing dishes and laundry. Might as well make the most of it. And the girls aren't in the way so I can get a few things done. I'm trying to remember to put their bowls in the dishwasher every night. So far, so good. They get pretty sloppy when they eat and drink and their bowls show it. So does their feeder. I definitely have to keep up with that daily because water and food get under the bowls. Speaking of food, I'm running low on kibble and don't get a delivery until Tuesday. I think I should have enough until then. The sprinklers are on, so the dogs won't want to go out. They'll go out in the rain, but not when the sprinklers are running. I find that odd. They've been getting closer to the cats, but they whine and bark at them and that scares the cats. Paulie will usually come to the defense of Tabby and Minnie. He's a very brave cat. Both Huxley and Blitz can get right up on Tabby now. She's not too thrilled with that, but she seems to be tolerating it. David made some cables for his jeep so we don't have to switch out the restraints every time we switch vehicles. I'm worried about them getting tangled in the cables. They don't get tangled in the restraints becuase of the snap they have on them. I'm not sure how David has fashioned the cables, but I bet they work okay. Maybe we'll take them for a ride later and see how they work. It'll have to be after 11am though because I have someone coming over to buy something off of craigslist. And in the morning I need to go to the Post Office to mail out some eBay stuff. I'm hopiing to make enough spending money to get the girls their harnesses. They didn't have any pink ones at the local PetsMart so I may have to look at another one. I have to get pink for Blitz and orange for Huxley. Those are their colors for now. I noticed on the Rocky Mountain GSP Rescue site that Otto, Tate and Paws are all pending adoption. I think that's great. I've got to put a check in the mail to Kris today (I forgot to do it yesterday!) as a donation for adopting the dogs. They're starting to express some bizarre behavior and I'm not sure what to do about it. Every time that we appear to be getting out of our chairs, even if we're just shifting in the chair, they pop up and run as fast as they can to the bedroom. I'm not sure why they are doing that now. And Blitz's whining and barking, whether it's to get the new bed or because she's close to one of the cats, has got to stop. It's not at the annoying stage yet, but it could very well get their if things continue they way they are. I don't want to have to get a bark collar for Blitz, but I will if she keeps up this behavior. They other thing I'm having trouble controlling is their penchant for snooping around the cat box. I've trying putting the gate up at the door, positioned so the cats can still get in, but closed enough to keep the dogs out. At least I thought they would stay out. As it turns out, they sneek in under the gate like the cats do. Or they just blatantly jump the fence. I'm not sure what their fascination is with the cat box, but I definitely don't want them anywhere near it. Right now I have the cat leaning on the closet door and blocking the way to the cat box I'm not sure that's working either. I'm thinking about cutting a hole for the cats to use in the gate. Then I'd put the gate completely in the door instead of leaning like I had it before. Unfortunately that won't keep them from jumping the gate. And I can't spray anything because then the cats won't want to use their box and we can't have that. I'll figure something out, even if I have to use two gates. Well, it's 5am now and it's getting light out. Blitz is still on her new bed and Huxley is still in my bed, taking up my side of the bed, no doubt!

Friday, June 15, 2007

The new bed

Well, the dogs are still fighting over who gets the new bed. No one has been laying on the old bed. I'd get another fleece covered bed if I thought they would each choose one. But I think they will just fight over which ever bed the other is on. Here's a picture of them last night when the old bed was still okay.

And here's a picture of them tonight. Huxley stole the new bed so Blitz is laying on the floor even though there's a huge bed next to Huxley sitting empty.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A new bed for the girls

I sent the contracts back to Kris tonight. We've officially adopted the girls! Today I bought another bed for them at Walgreens. It's a $40 bed and I got it for $10. Huxley has been trying to lay on it, but Blitz whines and barks at her because she wants the new bed. She's on it right now. She seems to really like it. I hope they still will use their original bed. I got the new bed so they don't have to squeeze onto the one bed. It'll be interesting to see how it goes with two beds. Here's a picture of Blitz on the bed.

We're cleaning out the garage and once it's cleaned out I'll be able to let the dogs out their to run around. Here's what the garage looks like right now. Not much room for the dogs to be out there right now.

Now both girls are laying on the new bed. It's 2/3 the size of their other bed, but they are sharing it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


The dogs and I didn't do too much today. Blitz is still insisting that Huxley get off their bed when she wants to be on it. Huxley always gets off too. A lot of the time they share the bed, which is amazing considering their size. I haven't gone to the dog park because gas prices are so high. If I don't have to drive, I don't. Blitz is standing at the bedroom door whining. I think she wants Huxley to get off the bed. This is new behavior for her. I'm sure she's always done it, but it's just started with us within the last couple of weeks. Here's a picture of them on their bed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I didn't get to take the dogs to the dog park last night or this morning because of rain and high winds. We've been letting them out in the garage and they enjoy investigating everything out there. They are partial to David's elk hide. I slept a lot today and they slept with me. I like having them for my dogs.

Monday, June 11, 2007

My lazy girls

David and I went in to take a nap. I had to get up though because Blitz started her whining/barking thing because she wanted to go out. So I got up to let them out and decided to stay up. Needless to say, once the dogs came back in, they went in for a nap. Doesn't seem fair somehow. :-)

The Dog Park

I took the girls to the dog park this morning. I thought they'd run crazy, but they stayed fairly close to where I was sitting. They did well with the other dogs. I wasn't as prepared as I needed to be though. I need to take a tote bag with me and bring: water, water bowl, poop bags, and camera. I forgot the camera this morning. I did remember to bring water and poop bags. I'm hoping that David will want to go back with me this evening, when it's cooler, to let the dogs run again. It was already in the 70's by the time we got there this morning, so it was too hot to let them play for too long. They seemed to enjoy being out there. They are laying down right now, in the nice, airconditioned house.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

An update from Kris (RM GSP Rescue)

We took the girls for a ride today over to Garden of the Gods. We parked while we were there and I took the girls for a little walk. Some folks asked what kind of dogs they were and said that they were good looking dogs. When we were leaving, I got Huxley hooked in and then left the door open and went around to Blitz's side. Well, Huxley got out of her collar and got out of the jeep. She walked around the jeep but didn't run off. I don't know what I would have done if she had taken off. Blitz got out of the Jeep too. But she still had her collar on and it was easy to grab her. I'm so thankful that neither of them took off. On the way home, we went by the dog park at Palmer Park. It's huge! I'm going to try and take the girls over there in the morning. They need to get out and run. They need to get some of their energy out somehow. I think they will like going to the dog park. Now of course they are napping from their exciting day.

When we got home their was and email from Kris. She sent pictures of Skooter and his new dad. Skooter looks great. He looks like he's put on some weight. His new dad looks so happy with him. It looks like he has a great place to live. Here's one of the pictures, Skooter under a pine tree. What an awesome picture it is.

Doesn't he look great! It really makes me miss him a lot to see pictures of him. And here's a picture of him with his new dad.

Check out his right front paw, the way he has it on his dad's arm. They really do love each other. I am so thrilled to get some new pictures (and such great pictures) of Skooter. I sure wish we would get some new pictures of Moped. I'd love to see how he's grown. I'm sure he'll look happy too.

Here's a picture of Skooter checking out the Dog Blog :-)

And here are some pictures of Huxley and Blitz that I took last night. Huxley was on the floor hiding under a blanket that was hanging off the side of the couch.

And here's Blitz, up on the couch, laying on the other end of the blanket.

Well, that's the update on the dogs. It's so interesting that I have had over 500 visitors to the Dog Blog and almost 1500 page hits. It's so neat to know that people are interested in the dogs.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Contracts received

I received an email from Kris today that included the contracts for the girls. They are really mine now. I'll have to get them back to her as soon as I can. I'm really excited to fill out the paperwork and return it. I don't have the paperwork for their microchip because I sent it to Nancie for her signature. She still has not returned them to me. I do however have the tags for their microchips so I can at least give her the numbers. I don't know that Kris has had a chance to get in touch with Nancie yet to see if she still has the paperwork. Kris wrote that we don't have an adoption fee for the girls but she would like us to consider a donation to the Rescue. I'll send my usual monthly donation this month and hopefully it will cover the fee.

The dogs and cats have been getting a lot closer to each other and there is lots of spitting and hissing and barking and whining going on. The dogs just want to get near them but the cats don't want them to get that close. Paulie goes after them. Minnie and Tabby back off.

Blitz is all curled up on her bed and Huxley is at David's feet, as usual. I had a cheeseburger for lunch and shared it with the girls. They really enjoyed that. With all that excitement, they are of course now taking a nap.

Friday, June 8, 2007

In and Out

Kitty came over today to help me with ebay stuff. The dogs greeted her. They were excited that she was here. Huxley jumped up once but listened when I told her to stop. I tried putting them in the laundry room when Kitty was photographing stuff, but they whined - pathetically! So I let them out. They kind of got in the way so I put them out in the back yard. After a few minutes they whined at the back door. So I let them in. They were in the way again, so I put them back in the laundry room. The whining was even more pathetic this time. :-) So I let them out again, into the house, then outside. When the started whining at the back door, I gave them a bully stick and a bone. They were happy after that. They stayed out the whole time without whining. We took a nap earlier and they napped with us. They've been going after the cats more lately. I think they get closer to them all the time and want to get even closer each time. They've cornered Minnie in the bathroom a couple of times. They don't try to hurt her, but she gets scared because Blitz barks at her. And they both whine while they are standing there looking at her which gets Minnie's hackles up. And if any of the cats are in the guest bathroom tub, Blitz is outside the door watching intently. I think after a while they'll get along okay, but right now the cats are still afraid of the dogs.

Here's a picture of Blitz sitting at my feet with her head up on the foot stool. She's so cute.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My girls

I stopped by Pet Ranch today and got a couple of bully sticks for the girls. They didn't know what they were when I first gave them to them, but they figured it out rather quickly. I bought 12" sticks. Huxley ate half of hers. And she kept stealing Blitz's away from her. I had to intervene and get Blitz's stick for her. Needless to say they are sleeping right now. Blitz has been sitting by the bathroom door watching whatever cat is in the bathtub. She'll lay there for hours. She got up close to Tabby today and sniffed her. Tabby just turned around and jumped back in the tub. Last night Tabby and Paulie were in the tub being watched over by Blitz.

I sure do like having the girls. They really keep me company and give me a reason to get up in the morning. Sometimes Blitz will bark repeatedly and annoy me, but she doesn't do it very often so I'll give her a pass on that.

It's raining out so the girls are in. They may not get out for quite a while. But they are good about being in the house for a long time without having any accidents.

I look forward every night to having them hop in bed with us. They give me just enough room to be comfortable. I've been sleeping just fine with them in bed at night.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Picture of Huxley and Blitz

I took a few pictures of the girls. Huxley was laying her head on Blitz. They looked cute. And I took a picture of them playing.

An update from Kris (RM GSP Rescue)

Kris called yesterday. She wanted to know how the girls were doing. I told her that they were awesome. She asked if we were going to keep them. I said 'yes'. I told her that I sent the dogs' paperwork to Nancie but I never got a response. Kris said she would call her and try to figure out what is going on. We talked some more about the girls. I told her that the only issues we have are barking at times and Blitz whining. I told her neither issue was a big deal. We dearly love the girls and couldn't imagine being without them. She's going to send the contracts to me so we can make it official. I'm excited about that.

I said to Kris that I was happy to see that Paws was adopted. She told me to hold on to my hat - Otto had been adopted! I told her that when I saw his picture that day, I was sure it was going to say 'Adopted'. She just hadn't put it up yet. How exciting is that? She's had Otto for 2 1/2 years and now he's finally going to have a forever home. And four prospective adopters are interested in the puppies. I'd love to see them all get homes quickly.

Then I asked Kris is she had any news on Skooter and Moped (Duke). She did. She said that Skooter is doing great. His people love him tremendously. There are having no problems with him. Kris was kind enough to send Skooter's birthday gift certificate from PetsMart to his people. I told her that Moped's birthday was coming up soon. Speaking of Moped, Kris said that he has been peeing in the house for no apparent reason. She told his people that they needed to get him checked for a UTI. I sure hope he'll be okay. She was going to call them to see if they have any results of tests yet. Also, the cats where he lives go after him. They don't seem to like him at all. I think he might be peeing because the cats are being mean to him. He wouldn't just start peeing in the house for no reason. He's too smart to do that. There must be something going on with him. Other than the peeing in the house, he's doing great. They love having him. He enjoys playing in the back yard, playing with other dogs at neighborhood get togethers and he gets along great with their little girl. Kris doesn't have any pictures of Moped, but she was wondering how big he is now. She also was curious to know if he's lost his puppy looks because he's almost a year old now. I sure hope they take some pictures of him on his birthday so I can see how he is doing.

Kris asked how our trip to Milwaukee went. I told her that we had a great time. The girls also had a great time at doggy day care. They did great in boarding. They got a lot of attention and played fetch. I let Kris know that the girls were great with kids and adults. They are real people dogs. She was glad to hear that they do well with everyone. I mentioned that they are the laziest dogs which makes them perfect for me. I'm going to send her some recent pictures of them.

It was great to hear such positive things about the boys and to be able to relate such positive things about the girls.

Barb W sent me and email to let me know that her TFT's had their puppies. She's going to be in Colorado Springs this weekend and she wanted to know if we were still interested in a puppy. I told her that a month and a half ago we were asked to foster Huxley and Blitz and we have decided to keep them. So, we're not in the market anymore for a TFT.

The girls enjoyed having Sue stay with us and visit while she was in town. She gave them lots of attention and they loved it. Sue left today. I'm sure the dogs will miss her massages.

Huxley and Blitz are both sleeping right now. Huxley is on her bed and Blitz is on the floor. I almost got a picture of Blitz on her back with her belly up, but the beeping of the camera turning on made her move.

We've had to rebuild portions of the deck that Moped ate. He nearly chewed all the way through some of the slats. We had to replace a couple of them because they were so bad. David did an awesome job designing and rebuilding the deck. It looks awesome. Now it has to be sanded and then stained. It'll be interesting when that happens because I let the girls out into the back yard off of the deck. I'll have to figure something out. We got two of those things that screw into the ground and then have a cable on it so the dogs can run around out front without getting caught up in stuff. We tried to just run a cable off of the fence, but they keep getting tangled up in the trees, bushes, and birdbaths. The things that screw into the ground will work well I think. When we stain the fence I could put the girls out front. They'd like that. We have to adjust their cables though because they came in 20' lengths and we don't need to give them that much to get around the yard without tangling up. The girls and the cats are still settling in with each other. There's still some chasing and hissing. But for the most part, they coexist without too much trouble.

That's about it for now. I'll blog again when I have some news (like if they wake up! ;-) ). Enjoy your day; we're enjoying ours.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My dogs like kids

I've been busy with Sue and working on the deck with David and haven't blogged in a couple days. Not that there's much to tell. While we were working on the deck the girls stayed out in the yard. They didn't mind being out so much because we were out there with them. They've been chasing flies around the backyard and yellow jackets too. Blitz was keeping herself busy today watching Tabby in the guest room tub. Then they saw a fly in the house and they chased after it. It was so funny to watch them. Now they are laying down (of course!). Oh yeah, Christy and the kids came over earlier and the dogs loved Caris. They were right up in her face and she loved it. I'm glad they get along well with little kids.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


I gave the girls some liver biscotti treats mixed in with their food tonight. They really enjoyed that. Then tonight I gave them some cheddar goldfish snacks. They really liked those. I'm finally getting rid of all the old leashes, harnesses, collars and treat bag. I'm selling it all on craigslist for $15. I've already had two inquiries. Right now they are slowly walking down the hallway looking for the cats. The light's not on in the bedroom and they prefer the lights to be on. Paulie hissed and spit at them, so they backed off and are now laying on their bed in the living room. Paulie can be quite the tyrant when he wants to be. Here's a picture of Paulie (a cat in the dog blog!):

He looks pretty sedate in this picture. But he sure can sound mean when he gets his hackles up.


It's the weekend, the first weekend in a while that we haven't taken the girls out for a ride. Hopefully we'll get to it tomorrow. I had too much stuff in the Jeep to go to Goodwill and the dogs wouldn't have fit in the back. And it was raining today, so it wasn't a good day to go for a ride. I don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow, but we'll probably take them for a ride no matter the weather. They've been out in the yard quite a bit today. Blitz has spent a lot of time whining because I left them in the house and was working out in the garage. They could hear us out there. David took a nap and they stopped whining for a while and layed down with him. They just saw a cat over at the pool. They were mesmerized by it. Blitz is still looking out the window for the cat. Huxley is laying on her bed, licking her paws. They are such great dogs. I sure am glad that we have them.

Friday, June 1, 2007


Sue came over today and gave the girls lots of attention. They really like her. I took some pictures of all of them.

Check out Blitz laying in Sue's lap. Huxley tried to get in on the picture. :-)

Eating grass

Huxley, Blitz and I took a nap for about an hour or so. They didn't want to get out of bed when I got up, but I was finally able to convince them by telling them they could go out in the back yard. Here's a few pictures of them out in the back yard. They both are eating grass, a strange habit they both have. The grass is all patchy from the digging that Moped did last year. We're working on getting it back in shape. That reminds me, Huxley has another strange habit. Sometimes after she goes to the bathroom, she steps back from the area and then scratches her paws on the ground (backwards) to 'cover up' what she's just done. Kind of like a cat would do. All it does is throw grass into the air. It's funny to see her do it. I don't think I've ever seen a dog do that before but Huxley does it.

Blitz's ear

David found a little bump on Blitz's ear. I was afraid it was a tick, but it wasn't. It's a sore. So I put some Neosporin on it. I'm going to watch it for a few days. If it doesn't look like it's getting better then I'll call the vet. She still seems somewhat antzy today, but I think it's because of the cats. Huxley is laying down on her new fluffier dog bed. She really seems to enjoy it now. Blitz is laying in the sun on the floor. It's quite peaceful here today. We all slept in bed again last night. I don't know how we all comfortably fit, but we do. It's nice having such pleasant dogs. I still miss Skooter and Moped but I certainly couldn't keep up with them without causing myself a lot of stress. These girls are no stress at all. They are now enjoying the grass being cut in the back yard. They run all over the yard now. That is, when they are not napping! :-)

Samantha"s Prince of the Prairie

Samantha"s Prince of the Prairie

Samantha's Prince of the Pines

Samantha's Prince of the Pines
Moped the Magnificent


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