
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What a good boy!

Well, we left around 1pm for Berta's funeral and didn't get home until after 4pm. I was sure Stinky would have had an accident in his kennel but when we got home there he was, clean as a whistle. I couldn't believe he waited that long. I took him out as soon as we got home and he went pee. Then a few minutes later David took him out and Harley did his business. What an awesome boy! He's sleeping again now. I think he's just glad to have us home.

Berta's funeral was very touching and sweet. Some of the people close to her got up and spoke (including Tracy). It was very emotional, sometimes funny, sometimes sad. I guess that's how funerals are though. Memorial services always make me think about my own mortality and Heaven. Mostly I worry about Sonny and how he'll do without Berta at his side. I guess God works that out too. All we can do is be there when he needs someone or needs some help.

It looks like Harley has had no reactions to his shots. That's great. I feel good about taking him to Puppy Pre-school now that he's protected. I'm worried about him being a submissive pee-er though. I'm going to have to do some research on that and see what I can learn about it. I'm sure there's some way to help get him out of that habit.

Lisa asked me today how I'm doing with Harley. It was nice to be able to say that things are going well. It's such a different experience with Harley than it was with the GSP's. I sure do miss my girls still but I can see that GSP's aren't the breed for me. I know that things will get difficult with Harley as he becomes more of a puppy but I think I will be able to handle the situation with him better than I did with Skooter and Moped. They had so much energy and they fed off of each other's energy. They were just non-stop. Harley on the other hand at least takes breaks (like he is right now). He's just happy to be with us. I think he was a good choice for us.

Here's a couple of pictures of his vet clinic and his vet, Dr. McKenney:

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