
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

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Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Harley's toys

Today went by really fast. I got up early, around 4:00am, and let Harley out to do his business then we went back to bed for a little while. I fed him his breakfast around 6am, let him out again and then let him play for about an hour. Then it was back to bed again for a "nap". I'm not sure why I've been so tired. Harley is sleeping through the night which lets me sleep through the night. I had an appointment with Marianne at noon so that meant Harley would be home in his kennel until David got home around 1pm. When Harley sees me going out the door he barks and whines a bit but nothing too serious. He's always very calm when I get home. I want to continue to encourage that calmness in him.

I spent my time talking to Marianne about the effect Berta's death and Harley's life is having on me. I feel like I've been on the sidelines for a very long time and that it's time for me to start participating in my life again. Harley keeps me in the here and now most of the day. I don't have time to reflect on what's happened or what might happen. I have to be in the moment thinking about what's happening right then. That's a good way for me to live my life and Harley helps me to do that.

After my appointment I went to the Natural Pet Food store. I got some natural treats for training and a bison bone (a real bison bone). Bison bones have less fat and are better for dogs. The owner also gave me a dog biscuit for Harley that weighed a quarter of a pound. It was huge! I couldn't wait to bring it home to him. But, before I could go home I had to go to PetsMart and return the kennel, toy and leads that didn't fit Harley. I ended up getting more toys (I want thim to have plenty of things to chew on that are okay for him to chew on) and grooming supplies (nail clippers and brush). I need him to get used to being brushed and having his nails clipped. I don't want either of these tasks to become big issues.

I brought home all the goodies and only took a few things for Harley to play with/eat. I first let him have a little bit of the big biscuit. He really enjoyed that. I took it away from him when I was ready to take it not when he was ready for me to take it away. I want to be the alpha dog in the pack and determine when he gets things and when things are taken away. He tries to play keep away or not give up whatever it is that he has but he doesn't get aggressive and gives it up rather easily. I won't allow him to get food or toy aggressive. He enjoyed the new things that he got to play with or eat. I kept some things back though so he'll have new things in the future. What I'm going to do is put a new toy out and put an old toy away so he'll have different toys all the time.

Right now David and Harley are napping. That gives me time to update the Dog Blog.

There is a picture of some of his toys. He still has his Nylabone keys and Kong ball. I still need to look for that never ending chew toy thingie. He's set up for toys for quite some time now. He's pretty good about chewing only on his toys. Once in a while he'll try for a shoe or the vertical blinds on the back door. I know eventually he'll chew something up but so far he's been great and very well behaved. I'm so glad that I chose Harley and that Harley chose me.

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