
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Puppy Kindergarten

This is how he sleeps in his kennel. Isn't he a goof? He's been really good tonight. Still no accidents in the house (knock on wood). He's napping in his kennel again. What a lazy boy. David was playing with him earlier so I think that's why he's tired. I tried to keep his kennel out in the dining room last night but he wasn't having any of that so I had to drag it back into the bedroom. He was just fine after that. He's still just a little guy so I can understand why he still wants to be near me at night.

I sent another email to Barb today (his mom's owner). I included the video of him retrieving the ball. I hope she enjoys it. I should just send her a link to the dog blog (done). That way she can check on Harley whenever she wants to check on him.

I have a dentist appointment at 11:30am tomorrow. Harley will be home alone about an hour or so. I know he'll do just fine. I'm glad I can leave him for short periods of time (although I'm sure it seems like an eternity to him). That makes things so much easier. I don't think I left Skooter and Moped that much since they were so lethal together (even when they were in their kennels). I'm glad that I can get a little bit of time away each day. It helps me out mentally to feel better. I love being with Harley but I do need some time away from him once and a while (just like a mom with a new baby needs some time to herself now and then). Of course, when I'm away from him I miss him and can't wait to get home to him. lol

I really have to work on walking Harley on the leash. He's still biting at the leash when we walk and he's not staying with me. I cut him a lot of slack because he's only 10 weeks old but I know that if I don't work a lot with him now I'll wish I did later. I'm still thinking about putting him in puppy class at CSABR (CS All Breed Rescue) mostly for the socialization. These are the critical weeks for socialization with other dogs and with other people. It's not so much about training behaviors at this point but getting him used to different people, places and things. I'll have to check their schedule. I'm going to check to see if they have a daytime class. That would work out better for me. I don't think it's crucial for David to be there for puppy kindergarten. Once we start learning behaviors it will be important though.

I just checked the schedule and I'm not sure I could get into a day class. I'll have to call tomorrow and see if I can get him in soon since he's already past 10 weeks, though the class does go up to 22 weeks so we'd have plenty of time. It's just that everything I've read says that the socialization needs to take place at or before 12 weeks. All I can do is call and see what I can work out.

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