
Catahoula Leopard Dog

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Harley (now called Watson)
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Early morning walk

Harley and I slept until about 6am. I let him out and he did his business. I fed him using the hunting game that Christine told me about. I put his food in different locations in the dining room and living room and he had to hunt for his breakfast. They were in really obvious spots so it was easy for him to find. I'll hide them in less obvious places once he figures out the game. This slows down his eating too which is a good thing. He enjoys the game too. It makes him use his brain and his sense of smell. After he ate I took him out for a walk to the mailbox. He did pretty good today. He wandered in front of me a lot. I'm not sure yet how to get him to stay at my side. I'll figure it out though.

Harley behaved most of the morning and was able to stay out of his kennel. At one point he started nipping at me and I couldn't get him to stop so I gave him a time out. He barked and whined some but not too bad. I took advantage of him being in his kennel and did some laundry and dishes, put out trash and recycle and sat for a bowl of cereal. I had my appointment with Marianne this afternoon so I gave him his Kong ball with peanut butter and treats stuffed in it (it's not a very big hole, only 3 treats fit in it). That kept him distracted while I left the house. When I got home he was fine. No accidents and he seemed sleepy. I took him out and he did his business like a good boy. He has spent a lot of the day chewing on his bison bone. I finally took it away from him so he'd take a rest (which he's doing right now). He's sleeping on the floor in the kitchen. He's really out. I did feed him lunch when I got home and did the hunting game again. He kind of remembered it and had fun again.

I'm trying to keep him entertained when he's awake do he doesn't get bored. He's easy to entertain. He seems to like all of the toys I have for him. I think there's a good selection for now. I also spent time on click/treat training. He did really well with sit and down. I also called him by his name and he did okay with that too. I didn't work with him for too long because I don't want him getting bored or frustrated. I also don't want him eating a ton of treats every day. He must have had enough exercise mentally and physically because he's still sleeping. He's such a good boy (when he's not biting me lol).

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