
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Monday, April 16, 2007

We made it through the night!

Huxley and Blitz did great last night. They didn't whine or make any noise (besides breathing loudly and snoring ;-) ). They didn't get into anything at all. They were perfect little ladies. When I went into the living room they were both waiting for me at the gate. They just wanted some morning 'tensions. Once David was up he came and said good morning to them too. They loved the tention's that he gave to them. Then I let them out to go to the bathroom. They both went outside and went to the bathroom. They explored around a bit then came back in. It's a rather chilly morning and they didn't seem to want to stay out in the chill. When they came back in the settled down nicely. They are very mellow GSP's. David came to say goodbye to them and they loved that. Right now they are laying together on their blanket on the floor. They seem content enough.

I'm feeling a lot less stressed thim morning since we made it through the night okay. This morning I can see them for who they are, not who I want them to be. They are very different than Skooter and Moped and that's a good thing in a lot of ways.

I'm going to lay on the couch to get some more sleep, sleep that I missed last night because of my Skooter wake up. The girls will be right next to me on the floor.

It will be weird for them, I think, to be in the house so much of the time. But I'm not yet comfortable just letting them roam the yard without supervision. If Huxley sees a rabbit, she might take off after it. I don't know. So I can't let them out unsuperivised just yet. And my dogs won't be 'outside all day' dogs any way. I want companion animals that will spend most of their day with me. I'll go out with them at least every hour, but otherwise they'll be in the house with me.

Their schedules have drastically changed, as has their location, so I would imagine there will be an adjustment period. Of course, they don't seem as attached to the previous owners as much as Skooter was attached to me. Skooter waited by the door, down at the Rescue, and whined for me when I was leaving. He didn't want me to leave him there. But these girls didn't look or whine for Nancie. That has made the transition a whole lot easier. I think it's because they are adult dogs that they are doing so well.

I still need to see how this is going to work for the cats. I don't mind having the gate up to keep Huxley and Blitz out at the front of the house. But I don't want the cats being all stressed out because strange dogs are here. I'll get itt figured out with them all.

Off I go to join Huxley and Blitz in a nap.

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