
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Sunday, April 1, 2007


I'm so grateful for Skooter and Moped's new families. Hearing that things are going well and that they are thrilled to have them as part of the family has made this decision to give them up a bit easier. Skooter and Moped have the chance to have much better lives physically than they did living with us. And for a GSP, having a better physical life translates into having a better mental and emotional life. I appreciate that the new families have so quickly added the dogs into their daily routines. I'm thankful that they are giving the dogs so much attention that the dogs are getting worn out - something David and I couldn't seem to do for them. They both have far more energy to get out than we could handle. Even though I don't know who the families are, they will always hold a special place in my heart for Rescuing my dogs. I know that Skooter and Moped we're happy living down at the Rescue, but they needed forever homes. Especially Skooter who is so sensitive. I appreciate the love they are lavishing on them. My boys are used to being spoiled and I'm glad to see that the tradition continues :-) .

It was a blessing that Kris called so soon after Skooter went home with the new family. Not knowing and having to wait were the hardest part of all of this for me. I was even afraid when Kris called that she was calling because the new family didn't want Skooter. That they'd changed their minds. Of course, that didn't happen and I ended up getting a glowing report of how well Skooter is doing in his first 24 hours. He's doing as well as Moped is doing. That is so great.

I hope that Skooter doesn't wake them up again at 2:30am. They'll have to let him sleep with somebody if they want him to sleep through the night. That or let him sleep on the couch. They are going to have to trust him being out at night and know that their is a possibility that he will chew on things if he gets bored. If he gets enough exercise during the day, maybe he'll sleep better at night. But it's hard to break the pattern when you're used to being up in the middle of the night.

At some point I want to write a thank you to the new families and ask Kris to forward them to Skooter and Moped's new owners. But I think I will wait until the words come to me and I don't have to force them. I'll know when the time is right to send them a thank you.

Kris said that she follows the dogs for life and if the families ever want to give them up, she would take them back to the Rescue. I'm glad that she does that. I don't forsee either family giving the dog back though. My dogs were the most handsome and good looking dogs at the Rescue (okay, I'm a bit biased, so sue me!).

Well, I'm rambling now so I should stop writing. Maybe this will all make sense, but maybe not. But that's okay. Any thoughts I put down about the boys are good thoughts. It helps me to clear my mind, writing in the Dog Blog. It's really helped me get through this difficult time. Long live the Dog Blog!

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