
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

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Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Things to think about re: another dog

Here's some of the stuff I'd need to think about before adopting a dog:

* my husband and I own our own ranch style home, there is a 4 1/2 foot fenced backyard that is 50 feet long; it has a dog tie out if needed; our home could be inspected if necessary; there are no children living with us

* we presently have no dogs; we have three cats - Tabby, 15, female; Paulie, 6, male and Minnie 6, female; all have been neutered/spayed and are front declawed; they are all indoor cats, using a litterbox

* previous dogs were given up to Rescue and placed; they required more exercise/activity than we could provide for them; they were enrolled in obedience classes at the time of their surrender

* there are no allergy problems with dogs

* we have a current veterinarian who comes to the house to see the pets (he is a mobile vet - All About Pets)

* I would be responsible for the care of the new dog since I am at home the majority of the time; I do no work or volunteer

* my primary reason for adopting a dog is to have a companion

* the dog would sleep inside, preferably in our bedroom (as long as cats aren't an issue)

* the dog may be left home alone, inside, for 1 - 3 hours, two or three days a week; if it would be for a longer period of time the dog would go to doggy day care

* the dog would be mostly indoors when I was home (we'd go for walks around the neighborhood and at the park and he'd get some time out in the fenced yard, on tie out if necessary; he would also attend obedience classes and practice at home)

* I do not travel much at all; if I do travel the dog will stay at doggy day care (they have overnight facilities)

* If we had to move we would take the dog with us; we would make all efforts possible to move to a place where we can have pets (we have the cats too)

* the only issues I can forsee that would not allow us to keep a dog are if the dog and cats did not get along (I don't want any of them getting hurt) or if the dog is a nuisance barker/whiner

* if the dog became an issue or more than we could handle we would return the dog to the Rescue

* if the dog became destructive I would exercise him more (sign of boredom) and continue obedience classes

* we are financially prepared to provide medical care for the dog, with no limit (we paid $3,000 for our previous GSP to have a stomach surgery)

* we chose a GSP because we love the breed, the personality and the looks

* our gender choice is a male because we have had males in the past

* we do not currently have a crate, but we would use one on occaision if necessary; we would have no problem purchasing a crate

* we are looking for a low-key, lower activity GSP; a dog that would be happy with a couple of walks a day and some time out in the backyard playing, along with obedience classes and practice; mostly a dog that would be comfortable being inside, hanging out with me; we'd also like a dog that travels well in the car because we love to take our dog for car rides

* we would only want a dog that met our activity (or lack thereof) requirement needs; we wouldn't want to be in a position again of having dogs that require more activity than we can give them

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