
Catahoula Leopard Dog

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Harley (now called Watson)
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Bite Inhibition handout

Skooter is level 1: air biting or snapping which is superior bite inhibition
Praise bite inhibition.
Let him know when a bite hurts ('ouch!').
If he gets too rough, end the game.
Let him practice doing it right.
Remember that change is a gradual thing.
Teach him to give 'kissed' (licking)
Use taste deterrent if they bite legs or pants.
This was a good article. I was glad to see that what Skooter does is superior behavior.
"In order for your dog to be happy and comfortable around children, he must be socialized to accept the kinds of tuches a child is likely to do (applies to groomers and vets too)"
Never force your dog to accept handling.
Feet (nail clipping)
Bellu Up (grooming)
Stand and Move (grooming)
He must be comfortable being restrained: practice hugs and increase pressure
Face to face, eye contact, possessiveness of food and toys, and socialization with children.
This was a very interesting handout. It made me realize that I don't touch the dogs as much as I should. They don't like being touched in certain areas. However they do not bite when touched they just pull away.

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