
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Friday, February 9, 2007

Sharing the Joy

called Misty and left her a message. I told her about the progress that the dogs are making. I let her know that Moped sat at the door automatically at DDC when we were leaving. I also told her about Moped getting lots of free time now. And I let her know that I've been able to use a regular clicker with Skooter now. We are still 'charging' the clicker but using one that's not muted is a major accomplishment.
Misty called me back within minutes and told me that she is so happy to hear what's going on. She thinks that the DDC is making a big difference in Moped's behavior.
Skooter has taken every bone, ear and hoof out of the kennels to keep them away from Moped. The living room is litterd with animal parts. :-) But they are having a good time so I'm not complaining. They both are chewing on hooves right now. This was my dream to have them out of their kennels supervised. What a great day!
They've both been wearing their harnesses and neither has chewed on it yet. That is great news too. I like the harnesses better than just regular collars. Boy, have they made progress in just a couple of days.
Misty said I could call her at anytime with praise reports, questions, etc. That made me feel good. I told her that I would see her on Monday for Door Program #4.
I also talked to Misty briefly about Saturday training classes. I'm hoping they both will be less distracted and I can get the right treats for them to do the behaviors that they need to do. I still need to do a lot of practicing with them before Saturday.

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