
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A rough day

David is having a rough day today. He's really missing the dogs, especially Mr. Wiggles. I don't know how to console him because I am grieving too. I can keep saying we've done the right thing, but it seems hollow somehow.

They are still not on the Rescue's website. I feel like it won't be real to me until I see them posted online. It occurred to me last night that someone else will soon own my dogs. I won't be there owner any more. I'm not right now as far as that goes. I've given them up. I need to let go.

I've been thinking that I should have changed my lifestyle to fit them. I should have become more active and expressed more energy. Was I not willing to change for them? Or is it what it is - a poor match of human and breed. Love wasn't enough. They needed a lot more than just love. They needed exercise and disipline (obedience) and I wasn't consistent enough in those areas.

I feel like I failed them.

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