
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

An update from Kris (RM GSP Rescue)

Kris called to let me know that she got the donation I sent and the package for the new owners. She was very thankful for the donation. She said she watched the puppy videos and she thought they were very cute. She will pass on the letter and videos to the new owners.

Kris said the boys are doing great. They are putting on weight and muscle. Skooter and Moped aren't getting along that well so they stay apart during the day but at night Skooter and Moped get to sleep together in the same kennel (one big enough for both of them). She said that Skooter growls at Moped! :-) I knew it would be good if they were re-homed separately. Some nights, if they go to work at PetCo with her daughter, instead of waking up all the dogs in the kennels, the dog gets to sleep in the house. The boys must love that. She brings treats out in her pockets and gets mobbed by the dogs. :-)

Tomorrow Kris is doing a home visit for Skooter's potential new family. A guy and his wife up in Cherry Creek are interested in Skooter. The guy works at home all but one day. The wife works five days. On the one day that they both aren't home, Skooter would go to doggy day care. They look forward to taking Skooter for walks and runs around Cherry Creek. I hope it works out for Skooter. I'll miss him but I'll be glad that he finds his forever home.

Saturday a family is going down to check out Moped. Hopefully he'll be on his best behavior :-) . The family has two kids, two acres fenced in and other dogs to socialize with in the neighborhood. He would get to be out all day running around the yard. And the mom doesn't work so he'd have someone at home with him the majority of the time. I hope it works out for Moped.

Kris said that she interviews the families and asks them questions. If she doesn't like their answers, they don't get the dogs. She referred to the dogs as her boys! :-) I told her that she is spoiling the dogs and I was glad to know that she is.

I smiled the whole time she talked to me. It was bittersweet though talking about their new families. I don't know if they will contact me or not. It'll be hard not knowing what and how they are doing every couple of days. That makes me sad.

I can't think of anything else she said right now. I might have covered it all, but if I think of something I'll add it in later.

Changing subjects:

I received a couple of emails on TFT puppies. I might wait until Fall to get another dog. I'm not sure. The breeders have been very nice in their emails. I especially like the breeder up in Denver (Barbara). But she won't have any puppies until late Summer or Fall though. One of the other breeders has male puppies available now but they would have to be shipped to us on a plane and that's not covered under the health guarantee. I think I'd rather wait on Barbara and be able to see the whole litter and be able to pick out the puppy that we want (temperament testing and all that) and be able to drive up to Denver to get it. It might be good to wait anyway so I can finish grieving over Skooter. I will grieve when he gets a new home.

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