
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Friday, March 16, 2007

There are so many things...

that I want to tell Skooter and Moped's new owners. Stuff I forgot to put in the letter. I'm trying to put all of it down in the Dog Blog so I can refer them to it. I don't know if they'll want a lot of history. They may want to start fresh with the dog. If nothing else Kris should hear from them once a year and I could ask her to forward that on to me. There are so many things I wish I had done with Skooter and Moped and regret not doing. I should have taken more pictures and videos. I definitely should have had pictures and videos of me and the dogs! I should have spent more time saying goodbye to them. I should have brought the camera to get some last pictures. David wishes he could have hunted pheasants with them. I would have liked to do that too. So many things...

We've talked more about getting another dog and we keep leaning toward the TFT. But I just can't get a dog right now. I'm still too emotional about re-homing Skooter and Moped. It will be nice to have a dog again, but just not right now.

If I had known that that Saturday would be the last night we had with them, I would have let them sleep in the bedroom with us. I would have fed them canned food for dinner. I would have taken time to go through all their stuff to sort it between dogs instead of just dumping it all in bags. So many things...

If I had known how quiet the house was going to be I would have recorded them so I could play it back when I needed to hear them. If I had known that having all this free time would suck, I would have done something different. If I had known that giving them up would have been so hard, I might have decided to be selfish and keep them. But I love them too much to be selfish. I love them enough to let them get better homes. I hope that their new owners will know, if nothing else, how much I love them still and that I did not WANT to give them up, I had to give them up. The yard was too small. We didn't have the respect from them that we needed. We couldn't offer them the amount of exercise they needed to not be bored. So many things...

But I will think of the things that make me smile like Skooter being Mr. Wiggles and Moped dancing with Skooter. I'll think about them both and their crooked smiles. I'll remember napping with Skooter and sitting on the floor with Moped after he was fixed. It was the most calm he ever was. It was a beautiful time. I'll see Skooter jumping over the fence like it was an agility competition. He flew so gracefully. I will remember Skooter hogging the bed when he slept with us by sleeping with all four of his legs sticking straight out! I'll think of Skooter sleeping against David's chest. So many things...

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