
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Monday, March 26, 2007

David read the Dog Blog today. He said that my goodbye to Skooter made him cry. It made me cry too. We miss him. I wonder how he did last night without Moped. He probably spread out in the kennel and enjoyed himself. I wonder how Moped did without Skooter. They've never been separated beyond a kennel between them at night. They did spend some time apart when Moped went to doggy day care and Skooter seemed to like the time he had alone with me.

I was talking to Lynn tonight and remembered how calm Moped was the day and evening of his neutering. It was the only time he was quiet and laid back. It was such a joy. Kris said she has a dog down there that makes Moped look calm! I can't imagine that. Moped wasn't a bad boy, he was just busy, a real puppy.

Now I'm hoping that the new owners don't get in touch with me. I don't want this dragged out any further. I feel like I've let go of them, I miss them, but I've let go of them. They belong to somebody else now.

I'm not sure how long the Dog Blog can go on without them, but I don't think it will be much past the day the Skooter actually goes home with his new family. Then it really will be final. I hope these people know how lucky they are to be getting these dogs. They are exceptional dogs. If I could have kept them and given them an appropriate home, I would have kept them. But it was too stressful with them not getting enough exercise. It wasn't a good situation for any of us. Now I'm less stressed, they have good homes and everyone will be doing okay after some adjustment time.

I've said my goodbyes to Skooter and Moped on the Dog Blog. That helped me to let go of them. I think that if I hadn't done that, I would still be hanging on to them for dear life. I think it's because I didn't say goodbye to them properly when we brought them down to the Rescue. But I can be happy for them now. We all will adjust.

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