
Catahoula Leopard Dog

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Harley (now called Watson)
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

She's definitely growing

We've had Bayou for 19 days and she's already outgrown the puppy pen. I had to take it down today because she was climbing up the side of it to get out and she was tearing at the carpet. So, now she is in the big kennel.

She's actually sleeping right now. It's smaller than the puppy pen but still fairly big. She has plenty of room to play in there. I can feed her in there too and that's a plus. I'll list the puppy pen on craigslist and hopefully I can get back the $30 that I paid for it. I just can't believe how fast she is growing. In about 2 weeks she will go to get her 3rd set of shots at the vet. It will be interesting to see what her weight is then. Only 19 days until she starts her puppy classes. I wish it were sooner. I want her to socialize with other dogs and other people. Puppy class will be good for her.

I have to admit that I was feeling overwhelmed this morning when she was trying to get out of the puppy pen and when she was tearing at the carpet. I felt like she was taking over. Then I remembered that I had the big kennel and that putting her in there would solve both problems. She's not going to be able to get out of the big kennel and it has a slide in tray on the bottom so she can't get to the carpet. Problems solved.

Last night she went ballistic when I put her in her crate to go to bed. It was horrible. I let her go for about a half an hour and then when she quieted down a bit I got her out. She fell asleep in my lap. I know I shouldn't have given in even though she was quiet when I took her out. I let her sleep in bed with us too. She did fine. No problems and she slept later than usual. I don't mind her sleeping with us at all and if it means I can get more sleep, I'm all for it. I'm tired because I'm only sleeping a few hours at a time. It doesn't give me a chance to recharge my batteries. Today I feel better though because I was able to sleep more. I'm going to vacuum up the dining room once she's awake and take care of the dishes and laundry too. Having her in the big kennel makes life even easier than having her in the puppy pen. Having her in the right enclosure makes things work so much better. I'm glad I bought the kennel and the puppy pen. I got a lot of use out of that puppy pen in 19 days! lol

I got an estimate to clean the carpet. It is for $75. Do I get it cleaned for $75 or buy a carpet cleaner for $135.00? I know she's not through having accidents so maybe the carpet cleaner is the way to go. That would allow me to clean as we go. If I get the carpet cleaned I'm pretty much assured that she'll have an accident immediately after it's clean then I'd need the carpet cleaner anyway. The dining room floor is worse than I thought it was. Now that I've taken down the puppy pen I can see the carpet more clearly. She had more peeing accidents than I realized. I'm so glad that this isn't permanent carpet. I'd lose my mind if it was. I can live with this carpet as long as it's relatively clean. I can even put up with the holes from the carpet being torn up since I know that at some point we'll have new flooring. We'll probably go with a linoleum or vinyl type flooring instead of the tiles. The tiles take way too long and I want to have it done in a day or two, not in weeks. It was fine that it took that long to do the bedroom because we weren't using it but we use the dining room to walk through every day.

Man, she is out like a light. She's sleeping on her bed which is also getting small for her. I'll have to invest in a bed that fits the big kennel. Right now I have a blanket in there so that she's not sliding all over on that tray. It's easier to wash the blankets and beds than it is to take care of the carpet.

That's about it for now. I may try to nap while Bayou is napping. Sounds like a good plan to me.

So things are calm now and everyone seems to be happy. I guess I can't ask for more than that.

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