I just got through spritzing Blitz. She was barking at Tabby who was in the guest bath tub. Now they are both calmed down. Earlier the girls were playing and running all through the house. They kept running into the entertainment armoire. Luckily nothing got knocked over.
Here's a beautiful picture of Blitz pointing at a bug (it has wings, doesn't it! ;-) ).

I think it's Minnie that's still not using the litter box. And I think it's because the dogs have cornered her in there and barked at her. She associates the box with bad things now. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this problem. Luckily she's going in the tub, not on the carpet, but I don't want to be cleaning up after cats every day. That's the beauty of cats, they use a litter box. Hopefully Minnie will change her habits back to normal soon.
I just had the dogs outside for a few minutes. They saw a rabbit and went balistic. Blitz started barking so I brought them into the house. I don't want the people at the pool to be disturbed by a barking dog.
I'm starting to feel more stress than I'd like to about the animals (the cats and the dogs). The point of having them is to reduce the stress of being alone all day, but instead they are getting on my nerves. It's not as bad as it was with Skooter and Moped but I could see it going there without much of a problem. And I don't want that.
I know it's my fault because I can't exercise them enough. It's hard to walk both of them at the same time. They aren't very good on the leash. Maybe I should ask Kris for some instruction on good leash manners. That would be a big help.
They've calmed down again. I just don't think that GSP's make real good house pets. It's a hard lesson I have had to learn. :-(
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