
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

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hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I'm feeling really frustrated right now. We went out for lunch and when we got home I let Harley stay in his kennel for about 15 minutes so he could calm down. He was pretty good at first then he started biting me. I tried "watch", "sit", "down", with and without treats (his appetite is low probably because he's taking the Prozac so treats aren't luring him as well) and I tried standing up, backing away, going down the hall and going into the bedroom and closing the door. As soon as I would head back to the living room he would go after me. I need a few minutes to rid myself of this frustration so he's in his kennel right now.

I tried bringing him to his kennel with the leash on but he just lays down now so he doesn't have to take the walk of shame. I finally got him down there by offering him a small piece of a blueberry muffin. He's in his kennel and taking a nap.

I've ordered some more appropriate toys for him (another Buster Cube, Kong Extreme, Tug-a-Jug) and chews (compressed rawhide sticks) but they are not here yet. Today he's not interested in his Kong or the Buster Cube anyway. We're out of bison bones so I'll need to get another box of those ordered this weekend so they'll ship on Monday. I also ordered a diffuser with dog appeasing pheromones (DAP). I don't know if it will help but I'm willing to try it. So the only thing I can do right now is give him the Prozac (30mg/day), keep up the training and try to settle him or distract him when he tries to bite me.

I think part of the reason I have less patience right now is because I have a headache (which actually could be a migraine). I'll probably go take a nap and hope the headache is gone when I get up. I'll let Harley out of his kennel then and try working with him again. I know he doesn't mean to act this way and he's not happy about it. He seems anxious when he's biting me. He hasn't been grabbing my arms quite as much as he had been. Mostly he's "flea" biting my legs and hands. The tethering gave my arms a chance to heal but within a week they are back to being bruised and scratched. They are not as bad as they have been though.

Tomorrow it's suppose to be 60 degrees so walking him 3 times shouldn't be a problem. Today is was about 50 but there was a cold wind. I already have a headache so walking in the cold wind just didn't appeal to me. I've got to do it for me and for Harley though. He's not going to get better if I don't get him out there 3 times a day. I don't want him to be totally dependent on the Prozac. I don't mind him taking the Prozac but if he could go off it in the future or cut back on the dose, I'd be happy. I'm sure he would be too.

Okay, a nap is now calling my name. I'll update again later when Harley and I get up.

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