David does think I'm batty! LOL I keep taking him on this roller coaster ride with the dogs. I can't help it. I get to a point where I feel like I can't handle everything and I can't think of any alternatives, so I think that surrendering the dogs is the answer. The only problem is that the question is "how do I get the cats to stop doing their business in the tub?". Surrendering the dogs doesn't solve the problem with the cats. Yes, the cats might settle down if the dogs were gone, but I don't want to lose these girls. I'm anxious to have Kris come up and help me out. If I can get the girls under control (meaning: I have to stop letting them get away with everything) then the cats might not be such an issue. Which reminds me - I need to go check the tub again. I'm sure the cats have used it tonight. I am tired of having to do this, but again, surrendering the dogs doesn't automatically fix the problem.
Kris said she's going to look into a kitty door (like a doggy door) for the cats. They could then get in the room and not have the dogs come after them. I'm not sure how the cats would do with it. The gate worked for a while, but the dogs eventually jumped the gate. They wouldn't be able to get through a kitty door. I want to close the bathroom doors, but I'm afraid the cats will go on the carpet. That would be horrible. I've just got to figure out how to get the cats back to the box. Having a kitty door would also solve the problem of the dogs getting into the kitty litter box. They really need to stop doing that.
Back to the girls though. I've really started to depend on them for companionship. I really look forward to coming home because they are so happy to see me. I also would like to continue play dates with Woody so they are better socialized. Right now they are play fighting, getting some energy out. I've got to start walking them every day or they will keep up the playing in the house. Not that I mind it, but it gets a little out of hand sometimes. I'm just glad to see them playing at their age. Which reminds me, this month (August) we celebrate their birthdays. They will be 7 years old. Maybe I'll buy them a Tug A Jug for their birthday. They didn't show much interest in the Buster Cube, but the Tug A Jug is different. They'll really have to use their brains to get the treats out of the Tug A Jug.
David just called them 'his girls'. I guess he's attached to them too. He really enjoys them greeting him at the door when he gets home from work each day. They are always happy to see me when I come in the house. Like today. I did some volunteer work at Compassion International and was gone for 4 1/2 hours. The girls didn't get into anything and they were able to wait until I got home to go out. I'd like to volunteer when I'm able to and knowing that they can do fine for hours is a great help and would allow me to do the volumteer work. I've also been invited to the Tuesday morning Coffee at the clubhouse. It wouldn't be that long and I'd be close to home so that might work out too.
Kris has 20 dogs down at the Rescue right now and is expecting three more this weekend. I can't imagine how much work that has to be for her and her daughter. She told me that the summer is like that, but as soon as families come back from vacations and kids get back to school, there will be more adoptions. I'll be praying for her and the dogs. I hope all of them get good homes. Kris thanked me for the last donation. I told her that I was happy to be able to support her and the Rescue. I'll send another donation here soon (for August).
The girls just heard a sound and started running around and barking. I sprayed them and they stopped right away. They are laying down over by David now. I'm surprised that they haven't headed to bed yet. Maybe they are waiting for me. I might actually have some room on the bed tonight. LOL
I was going to ask Kris if she'd heard anything about Skooter or Moped but I forgot to. We did talk about getting the girls to walk better on a leash. She thinks that can be taken care of fairly quickly. The cat situation might take longer. I'd be happy if I could walk them without them pulling my shoulder out of the socket. I'm sure that Kris will be a real help with getting them to walk in a more controlled way. She feels that they are bored and that's why they are chasing the cats. I'm sure they are bored. I need to dedicate myself to getting them out consistently. I should try to get them into Doggy Day Care too. If I can send them their even just once every other week, they wouldn't be so bored. They are very good there about playing with the dogs. And again, it would be good socialization for them (with people and dogs).
If I move even the slightest, Huxley and Blitz run to the bedroom. They know it's bedtime. They've moved over to their bed on the floor next to me. They are definitely waiting to go to bed. I'll let them out one more time and then go to bed. That reminds me, I also need to get them out of the habit of getting up in the middle of the night. That's my fault because I have to get up at least twice during the night. Sometimes they stay in bed but usually they get up with me. If they don't get up initially they usually jump out of bed when I flush the toilet. Don't ask me why. I don't know why they do that. And when David's alarm goes off in the morning (at 4:30am!) the dogs always jump out of bed and head for the back door. They are definitely Pavlov dogs. LOL
Okay, time for bed.

Catahoula Leopard Dog
Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

hiking the Garden of the Gods
Friday, August 3, 2007
I'm batty
Posted by
8:34 PM
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