
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
Want your dog to be a part of the Dog Blog? Email your picture(s) and the dog's story to

A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Snow doggy

Tired but still has energy to play in the snow!

Then again,  maybe I am tired...

"Dog Tired"

This is what they must mean when they say someone is dog tired! Look how contorted she is. LOL

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Aspen Meadows 1st Anniversary Party

Today is the 1st Anniversary Party at Aspen Meadows Pet Resort where Bayou goes to daycare. I'm looking forward to going and celebrating with them. I really like this daycare and want to be supportive. If David goes with me we'll bring Bayou. If he doesn't go I'll leave her home with him. They are asking the clients to paint pictures of their dog(s) on the wall in the daycare. If they have someone who can help me I'll be happy to do it. I printed out a picture of Bayou as a model. I'm not much of a real life artist so we'll have to see how it goes. I hope they have a lot of people to show up at the party. Bayou really wanted to go to daycare today but it's her day off so she's home with us. She's doing okay. She'll be there tomorrow though. She loves going to Aspen Meadows. It's her favorite place!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bath Day

Bayou couldn't wait to get to daycare today. She wouldn't even eat her breakfast from her tug-a jug. I had to put it in her bowl so she could eat fast so we could get out the door for daycare. lol When we got there Debbie took her in and Bayou was so excited to get in the door that she almost wiggled herself to death. haha she got a bath today. She was bathed, had her ears cleaned and nails clipped. They even put the cutest bandanna on her. It has "boo" all over it. I've never seen her in a bandanna before and she looks so cute. Aspen Meadows Pet Resort is the best daycare I have ever taken an animal to, ever. If you live in Colorado Springs and need daycare or boarding for your pet (any kind of pet, I've seen a turtle there before) please check with Aspen Meadows Pet Resort first. Beth, Debbie, and all the other ladies at Aspen Meadows are so nice, great with the pets and the customer service is incredible. You also can't beat their pricing! Give them a call if you have a pet daycare, boarding or grooming need. I highly recommend them.

By the way Bayou smells and feels great and looks cute too!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Great time at daycare

Bayou had a great day at daycare. One of the workers hugged Bayou before she left. Of course that made her pee on the floor. LOL. No leg problems though which made me happy. She'll go again on Wednesday.

Off to see the daycare...

Little Miss Bayou went down the yellow brick road to daycare today. She was so excited when she got there. She was jumping all over the place. I really need to work with her on not being like that. It's like having an unruly child in a store. Thankfully they understand at Aspen Meadows and they treat her kindly. I'll probably pick her up a bit early today so she doesn't wear her leg out again.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Go for a ride!!!

We took Bayou for a ride on Saturday. She loves sitting in the back seat.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stiff legged puppy

Bayou was a bit stiff this morning but not limping near as bad as she was yesterday. It's snowing out and she went out on the porch and played in the snow. She was rolling around on the deck. It was funny. When she goes out again, I'll try to get a video of her if she plays again. She's on the couch right now. I'm glad she is better though.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Limping Lizards (or is that 'houlas)

Little baby Bayou isn't limping as badly tonight as she was this morning. It's supposed to get cold tonight so I'll have to make sure she stays warm tonight in bed. I think we'll all be under the covers tonight since they are saying we might get some snow. I'll keep Bayou out of daycare until Monday, I think. It will depend on her activity level. We can probably get her out on Sunday for a walk at Garden of the Gods if she needs it. I don't want to over do with her since her leg is still sore for her. She's sleeping on the couch again (still!). She started walking better when David got home. She was so excited to see him that I think she forgot about her leg a bit. She is still limping though. I'm sure this is just an issue of her doing too much at daycare this week. I'm glad she's doing better but my hunch is that she will be stiff after sleeping all night. We'll see how that goes. Have to keep her warm though.

Poor little pupper dawg!

Bayou woke up with a sore leg this morning. She's been favoring it and just spending her day snoring and dreaming on the couch. I kept her home from daycare. I'm sure she must have played too hard yesterday in daycare and then it was cold last night so she probably is just sore. I'm sure the sun today will warm it up for her and laying on the couch will give it a chance to heal. If she's still favoring it on Monday, I'll call the vet for an appointment. She did do some artwork this week.

I love the enrichment they do at the daycare. Aspen Meadows Pet Resort, here on the east side of Colorado Springs, is the best daycare I've ever had a dog visit. They are very caring and do lots of fun stuff with the pets they care for (including a turtle they had one day!). I'll leave Bayou just for a bit this afternoon for an appointment but other than that I'll be with her all day today. I'll go to the store later when David gets home. I don't want her spending too much time alone since she is not feeling well.

I want to start taking her hiking but I can see that I'll have to go slow with that. I don't want to hurt her. So we'll start out slow and see how she does. Because she only has a single coat she gets cold easily so I will have do get a doggy coat for her. I'll get something that will work well with hiking.

I think she'll be on the couch most of the day today so it will be a quiet day for both of us. It will give me some time to get some things done around here since she's not asking to go out every 5 minutes. lol

Samantha"s Prince of the Prairie

Samantha"s Prince of the Prairie

Samantha's Prince of the Pines

Samantha's Prince of the Pines
Moped the Magnificent


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