
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

Huxley and Blitz

Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
Everything you ever wanted to know about Skooter and Moped but were afraid to ask!
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Friday, August 7, 2009

A dog and my friends

I sent an email to Kitty and Lisa to let them know I've decided to get a dog. I sent them an email so I could tell them at the same time and because I feel like I can express myself better in writing than I can verbally. Kitty has already responded to me. She brought up a very good point - if David and I are not on the same page with training a dog and how we handle the dog then it's going to end up with me rehoming another dog and I don't want that again. David and I have to be consistent with how we treat the dog. I'll have to talk to him about that today and see if we can come to an understanding. If not, then getting a dog will not happen.

On craigslist this morning there's an ad for a chocolate lab. I sent an email to the owner asking some questions about the dog. I haven't heard back yet from the person. The dog is a 1 year old male who is "well mannered" (whatever that means). Again, I'm in no rush to pick out a dog. I feel like all of my options are wide open. I can't afford to NOT be picky about what dog I get. I've resigned myself to the fact that I may not find a dog for a while but that in the end it will be worth the wait.

I didn't put much thought or research into getting Skooter and Moped. David wanted to get them so we did. That was pretty much it. And Huxley and Blitz, well I felt like I had to take them so they wouldn't be separated. I constantly went back and forth on whether to keep them or not. In the end I felt like I did the right thing by rehoming them all but now that I look back, I should have put more time and effort into their training and I definitely should have brought David on board.

** phone call **

Just talked to Lisa about the dog situation. She brought up some good points for me to think about. There are lots of emotional things I'll be able to work through just thinking about getting a dog and that's good. Getting the dog may be down the road (or it may be tomorrow) but I can use all the things it brings up in me to better myself. I know what effect it's had on me already is that I'm happier. I feel like just looking for a dog gives me some purpose. I've been getting up earlier and not napping so much. Of course, it's not just researching a dog, it's researching anything. Researching makes me feel alive. I get to use my brain and think outside the box (which is my brain). So this can be a good thing for me as a person. And I honestly know it's not really even about the dog, it's about me.

I do need to keep in mind that a smaller dog is probably better for me at this time in my life. A big dog is just too much work. I don't know that I want that again. I'd like a dog that can sit in my lap and go walking with me but that also doesn't take up all my time (waking me up, getting the door, etc.). The dog I get needs to fit into my life, not me fitting into it's life. If I can't find a dog like that then I just won't get a dog. I don't want to worry about a dog jumping our small fence and running around the neighborhood or getting hit. I also don't want to worry about a dog that will knock me over. As much as I miss Huxley and Blitz, I don't miss their size and power. It's nice to have my bed back. lol

So I'll go look at dogs tomorrow and try to get an idea of what I need to be looking for in a dog. I feel no pressure to get a dog tomorrow. There are lots of dogs out there and when the time is right, I'll get one. But until then I'll definitely use all of this stuff that I'm discovering to help make me a better person. Like the saying goes "I want to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am".

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