
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pictures from class #3

Here's a picture of David working with Harley at class. They were working on sit.

Here's a picture of Harley and his pal Star. She's the one that's a bit shy of people but she's really coming along. Christine is in the yellow in the background with her dog Ginger and Sylvia is sitting down with her dog Ike.

If you look closely, you can see Rocky between his mom's feet to the left of Ginger the Golden Retriever. Harley and Ike are off to the right playing together. Rocky's whole family is sitting in this picture (mom, dad and kids).

Again, Harley and Ike tumbling around.

Harley sitting and Star standing. You can almost see the white star on Star's back.

Today has been a really good day. Harley is really behaving today. He did pretty good at puppy pre-school. Just when I think he's doing well, we get to class with all the distractions and I'm not so sure that we are doing that well. lol We did learn something new today - having them go to a mat and lay down. Harley was more interested in playing than laying down. So now we have sit, down, come (by calling his name), leave it and the mat work. Whew! So much to do. I really do need to work with Harley more than I am. It's one thing for him to sit at home but getting him to do it at class with distractions is a whole other story. He did pee outside today, but he also got excited and peed inside (Christine was messing with him).

Star is doing so well. It gives me hope that Harley will be able to do just as well as long as I take the time to work with him. I'm not sure what I'll use for a mat yet. I thought about using the door mat but it's not quite as portable as I'd like and it's too familiar to Harley. Christine wants us to use something that will only be out for mat work. I'll have to see if I have a blanket that I can use or get something at the Goodwill.

I'm so glad that I finally took some pictures today. I still need to ask Christine if she has the one from Harley's first class. Star's mom was taking pictures today too. Harley and Ike really got into playing today. I could see Harley using his bite inhibition because Ike wasn't yelping at him while they were playing. It was good to see.

I felt like I was messing up a lot today (saying come on, not clicking on the behavior, etc.) but I'm going to cut myself some slack and say it's all good.

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