
Catahoula Leopard Dog

Harley (now called Watson)

Harley (now called Watson)
Our Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever puppy

Moped and Skooter

Moped and Skooter

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Huxley and Blitz
hiking the Garden of the Gods
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A Tribute To Tabby (7/93 - 4/08)

Monday, February 7, 2011

I love my Bayou

David took this picture of Bayou tonight while she was sitting in his lap. She is so adorable. I got a few toys for her today while I was at the store. I got small Chuck-it balls, a small rope dog, a little squeaky duck, and a Tug-a-Jug that has a rubber stopper instead of a rope one. She already unwound the rope one in the purple Tug-a-Jug. This one is green and has a rubber stopper. I'll put her food in it in the morning. She seems to like the smaller Chuck-it balls. They fit in her mouth better. The duck is smaller too and it squeaks. She played with that a lot tonight. I also got her 2 beds, one for the pen and one for the crate. She seems to like those too. They are machine washable and very soft.

Today was a better day because the weather was nice. It's so much easier to take her out when it's nice out. Tomorrow it's supposed to be arctic again and blowing snow. The weather will make it a difficult day but she's a champ about going outside. Of course, with blowing, cold wind and snow she might not be as thrilled to go out. We'll handle it though.

I need to get on a schedule with Bayou. I need to feed her at certain times, train with her, take her out, play with her, etc. This past week we've just been flying by the seat of our pants, taking care of things as they come up. It's been okay but I know I'd feel better with a routine/schedule. Since the weather is going to be bad tomorrow I can work on that when Bayou is napping. I've got to keep the laundry going too. I want it all finished up by the time David gets home from work tomorrow. I'll feel more relaxed now that I can clean up after Bayou easier. I won't have to worry about the towels, sheets and blankets waiting to be washed. It'll all be caught up.

I'm waiting on $25 in AGC's from Swagbucks to come in this month. I could use it on the puppy but then again maybe I should set it aside for gifts (birthdays, Christmas, etc.). There is a puzzle game I'd like to get for Bayou. It costs about $40 or so though so I'll have to wait until I have that much in AGC's. The puzzle is called The Tornado. Here's a picture of it:

It will keep her mind sharp and she'll have fun eating her meal from it. I just looked it up and it's $40. I could have that much saved by mid-March but I want it sooner so I'll probably get it sooner than that though so she can start working on it now.

Well, I'm falling asleep so I better go to bed. The wind has really picked up and it's 24 degrees out. That middle of then night

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